Shape6.COM File Transfer

Shape6.COM File Transfer 0.9.8 Beta

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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows ME

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  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Send and receive files via IP address"

Many computer scientists agree that when it comes to sending and receiving files the best method is to opt for the IP addresses present in a local network. Shape6.COM File Transfer establishes the necessary connection to carry out this process.

File exchanges can be automated, thus saving a great deal of time. In addition, its interface facilitates both this task and all others, allowing anyone to share files and set the relevant permissions without any difficulty. The program interface shows the total number of elements shared by each user.

In order to make the most of the convenience and practicality that Shape6.COM File Transfer offers, it is advisable to establish a list of favorite IP addresses with which it is possible to send and receive files with just two clicks.